The Power of Community

Wastewater Utility

Waupun's wastewater treatment facility is located at 501 Fond du Lac Street. Wastewater Treatment Plant

Rate Information

Normal domestic strength wastewater with concentrations of BOD, and suspended solids no greater than 200 mg/l.

Sewer Utility Rate Summary

GENERAL SERVICE – METERED (Mg-1)                                      

Monthly Service Charge based on meter size

                  5/8”   $9.83                         3”  $52.14

                  3/4”   $9.83                         4”  $82.19

                  1”      $14.55                       6”  $157.33

                  1 ½”  $22.08                       8”  $247.49

                  2”      $31.10



                  BOD > 200 mg/l                        $.61/lb

                  SS > 200 mg/l                           $.51/lb


                  Phos > 7 mg/l                        $17.47/lb


VOLUME CHARGES                                                                     


$3.82 per 100 cubic feet/month of water usage

Treatment Facilities Team