The Power of Community

Waupun Utilities: A year in review

Waupun Utilities is Waupun’s locally owned, not-for-profit public power provider. Waupun Utilities supports the community through various programs and volunteer efforts. A recap of how the utility provided support throughout 2023 is below.


Waupun Utilities recognized as a Reliable Public Power Provider
  • Waupun Utilities had earned the Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) designation from the American Public Power Association. RP3 is a nationally recognized honor that distinguishes utilities that adhere to high standards in reliability, safety, workforce development and system improvement. Criteria include sound business practices and a utility-wide commitment to safe and reliable delivery of electricity. This is the first time the utility has earned RP3 designation, which is current for three years. It received designation at the Platinum Level.
  • This designation showcases the utility’s dedication to taking care of the community and its employees, many of whom also live in Waupun.
Waupun Utilities recognized as a Smart Energy Provider
  • Waupun Utilities earned a Smart Energy Provider (SEP) designation from the American Public Power Association.  The SEP designation, which lasts for two years, recognizes public power utilities for demonstrating leading practices in four key disciplines: smart energy program structure; energy efficiency and distributed energy programs; environmental and sustainability initiatives; and the customer experience.
  • Being a Smart Energy Provider is just one more way the utility demonstrates its focus on increasing energy efficiency and thereby reducing costs.


Waupun Utilities adds local value
  • Over the last year, Waupun Utilities has contributed to the community through funding that supports nonprofit organizations, educational programs, local economic development, area sponsorships and special events. In total, Waupun Utilities disbursed $8,300 to these programs.
Elise R. and Olivia K. awarded Waupun Utilities scholarships
  • In spring of 2023, CWC & WHS seniors Elise R. and Olivia K. were awarded scholarships from Waupun Utilities. The students were selected for their academic excellence, commitment to the community and desire to make positive change in the world. Elise is currently studying elementary education at Dordt University and Olivia is studying psychology at UW Stevens Point.
Waupun Utilities contributes $558,471 in lieu of taxes
  • Waupun Utilities contributed $558,471 (Electric $240,894 Water $317,577) to help relieve the local tax burden. As a municipally owned nonprofit, Waupun Utilities is tax exempt. However, because the utility exists for the benefit of the community it serves, Waupun Utilities makes voluntary payments to the city in lieu of taxes.
Local Businesses complete energy efficiency projects
  • Throughout 2023, Waupun Utilities assisted five local businesses in completing lighting upgrades, energy efficiency upgrades and energy planning projects. Additionally, eleven businesses received incentive funding from Focus on Energy to help with costs for efficiency upgrades. The projects are expected to save local businesses about $36,000 in electric costs every year.
Waupun Utilities’ dedication provides customers with cost savings
  • Through the utility’s partnership with its not-for-profit wholesale power provider WPPI Energy and Focus on Energy, Waupun Utilities has helped customers become more energy efficient. In 2023, residents received roughly $17,300 in rebates for energy efficient projects and household equipment.


Waupun Utilities’ wholesale power provider supports cost-effective renewable energy resources
  • As one of the 51 member-owners of WPPI Energy, Waupun Utilities keeps renewable energy reliable, affordable, and responsible. It does so while making its power portfolio more diverse, with long-term stability in mind. WPPI is on track for a 45% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2025 when compared to 2005, and it is the joint action agency’s target to become carbon neutral by 2050.