The Power of Community

WWOA Southern District 2020 Operator of the Year

Waupun Utilities' Treatment Facilities and Operations Superintendent Steve Schramm was awarded the WWOA Southern District 2020 Operator of the Year.

The Waupun facility is a 2 MGD WWTP and under the direction of Steve and with the help of his team, they operate one of the most well run WWTP's in the Midwest. The Waupun WWTP includes preliminary treatment followed by primary clarifiers and a bio-trickling tower. The trickling tower effluent flows to intermediate clarifiers which are followed by activated sludge, secondary clarifiers and sand filters. Biosolids are processed using temperature phased anaerobic digestion (TPAD). High strength waste (HSW) from area industries is co-digested to produce additional biogas and the biogas is utilized in boilers to heat the digestion facilities and some of the WWTP buildings. Biosolids are dewatered using a belt filter press and beneficially reused.

The City’s WWTP has consistently achieved permit compliance, meeting and, in most cases, exceeding Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) permit requirements for pollutant removal during Steve’s tenure. Thanks to Steve’s dedication in this area, the WWTP has good communications and an ongoing dialogue with the WDNR and other groups and organizations interested in the facility’s operation.

Under Steve’s direction, the WWTP has successfully complied with the Great Lakes Basin total phosphorus effluent limit of 1 mg/L for many decades. Steve has a track record of proactively addressing regulatory initiatives and his facility will have one of the most stringent phosphorus limits in the state, 0.05 mg/L. His plans to achieve compliance through resource recovery reinforces his proactive mindset toward achieving future compliance.

Additionally, Steve promotes general public tours including school age children, teaching them about wastewater treatment and encouraging environmental stewardship. The WWTP grounds and buildings are well maintained and visitors/tours often comment on the cleanliness and appearance of the facility.

Steve leads his team by example and under Steve’s leadership, the WWTP is recognized as an efficient, well-run Utility. He is well deserving of the honor of WWOA Southern District 2020 Operator of the Year.

Congratulations Steve! 


Steve Schramm Receiving WWOA Southern District 2020 Operator of the Year Award